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U of C, in the strangest places

So, I was reading this article on the San Francisco Chronicle's web site about a woman named Mary Anne Mohanraj who has become one of the most popular erotica writers on the web and a "queen" of alt.sex.stories. It goes into her upbringing in a traditional Tamil family, and her attending a Catholic girls school in Connecticut, and how when she went to school in the Windy City, she found her voice.

Funny thing is, when I heard this, I thought -- sex, Internet, writing, Chicago... I knew she had to be one of us. And upon checking her CV, indeed, she is. What is it about Chicago folks that make us more at home reading, writing and theorizing about things that most people just do? I guess sometimes it works out, as in this case.

Comments (2)


It's 'cause we have to live up to our #300 ranking! If we actually do something then we might actually not be last. ^^;


Wait, what? What're we #300 in?

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 12, 2005 9:00 PM.

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