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The end is nigh(er)...

Apparently hell isn't freezing over fast enough so Apple's deciding to hasten it a bit more by releasing their first ever multi-button mouse. Although it still looks like a one-button mouse. They're so deceptive. ;-p Anyhoo, I would've been tempted to get one, but it's not Bluetooth-enabled. Oh well.


Comments (4)


Any recommendations for a BT mouse?

The Logitech and Microsoft ones are too huge for travel.


I don't know about travel-worthiness but if I were to have gotten a BT mouse I would've gone for this one:


Too bad it's out of stock till who knows when though. Maybe some retailer will have them available.


I heard about that one. Seems the company has a bad rep, though.


Dunno about their rep but their earliest iterations of this mouse did seem to have some tracking problems. Hopefully they'll have cleaned that up by the time this next batch comes out.

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