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Ambling down memory lane...

It's ok every now and then to wallow in memories of the past isn't it? People seem to have a love/hate relationship with the past. You shouldn't live in it, but you should learn from it. Bah, people these days don't have time to dwell on the past anyway. Well, at least not often. Me, I enjoy the past, that's why I've had a website for the past uh, decade or so now. It's a superb way of chronicling one's life, that is, as long as you remember to back up often. ;-)

The first few (could've been one, or maybe three, don't remember) iterations of my online existence has been lost to the void for a good 8 years now but while reminiscing about the classic anime series of yesteryear (Patlabor to be exact), I dug up my previous website and had a good and hearty laugh. Good lord I was such a NERD back then. Now I'm just a geek. ;-) Actually I was kinda shocked that I had actually kept that design for as long as I had. Chalk another one up to laziness I suppose. Anyway, I've decided to retrieve it from the dustbin of my past, give it a much needed cleaning (broken links and images and all that), and eventually repost it in an obscure archives area. Might as well, what's a coupla more megabytes of fluff on the world-wide web?

In the process I discovered my old guestbook and remembered that hey, I have a long-neglected "new" guestbook as well. Obviously I (well, at least my site) was more popular back then than I am now. ;-p Plus the old guestbook links back to an old location that for some reason still exists even though I cancelled that account years ago. Oddly half the pages are gone though. I think this may have been a temporary site while I was moving things around inbetween Chicago, Hawaii and Taiwan.

Ahhh.... good times. I wonder what I'll be thinking 10 years down the road when I come back to look at this current site. Maybe I'll even have the same design, I still rather like it at the moment. Nice and simple and clean. Probably just do a little tweaking here and there.

Anyhow, more on this in the future when I finish remodeling the past. =)

Comments (4)


why don't you show us your old site?


Eh, like I said in this post I'm still in the process of cleaning it up. But you can see part of it if you click on the "still exists" link.


that was only from 1998! doesn't seem so long ago...


Actually that particular design probably came into being in 97. The last spew recorded there happened to be in 98. Regardless, I did say that I've had a website for about 10 years now. 97 would place it starting 8 years ago. That's ancient history in Internet time. Actually I would've loved to have even earlier iterations but no such luck.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 12, 2005 2:45 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Need to find a new cave....

The next post in this blog is Curbed.

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