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Grounded angels...


Haibane Renmei (Charcoal Feather Federation)

Speaking of anime that end with unanswered questions, Haibane Renmei is one such title. Although in this particular case, it doesn't really matter. The questions left unanswered have more to do with the world and background that this anime is set in, not so much to the story itself.

The story is a powerful and moving tale of redemption, salvation, and friendship and as such is one that's alternatingly sweet, melancholic, painful, and reflective. It does start off rather slow as the viewer is eased into the new-born Rakka's life as a Haibane so if you're an impatient sort of person, this series won't be for you. There is a mildly religious feel to the series but it's not really coherent. Left up to interpretation you might say.

The series also has quite a good soundtrack that fits the overall tone of the story well. Good for staring out a window and contemplating life on a rainy day. :| Could be mildly depressing if you're already leaning toward that sort of mood.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 15, 2005 11:12 AM.

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