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Never resist arrest...

Especially if you're innocent. This is rather disturbing on so many levels. What in the world was the guy doing that required 5 shots point-blank to the head? Either the guy was a beast or the officer was amped up like crazy.

Comments (1)

Old, but the thing is that disregarding what's known now, is you have to take into consideration what was known (or perceived to be) then.

If, for example, the dude really WAS a homicide bomber then you would want to take him out as fast as possible, in the most effective manner possible. Shoot him in the head 'til he's dead and pray there isn't a dead man's switch on the bomb -- this is actually what many, many, many major metropolitan police are taught and trained to do. NYPD included.

Barring all that -- when the cops tell you to STOP, you STOP.

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