How is it I add a couple of cookbooks to my wishlist, and I get recommended this?
There's enough pressure coming from Mom and Dad. But now, Amazon thinks I need help?
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How is it I add a couple of cookbooks to my wishlist, and I get recommended this?
There's enough pressure coming from Mom and Dad. But now, Amazon thinks I need help?
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 9, 2005 11:11 AM.
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The next post in this blog is Don't hurt the sheep!.
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Comments (5)
I guess Asian women in particular like men who know how to cook? Makes more sense than my "How to Attract White Women" recommendation because I bought a Sony 1GB Mem Stick. =p
Posted by Ben | July 9, 2005 12:21 PM
Posted on July 9, 2005 12:21
I like the one that says "eyelid surgery". Had an ex-gf that was fascinated by it and wanted to get that done.
Posted by Paul | July 9, 2005 3:07 PM
Posted on July 9, 2005 15:07
*laugh* That's hilarious!
So, Asian last name + wanting to cook = looking to pick up Asian chicks.
I really would love to know who put Amazon's formula together.
Posted by June Chung | July 10, 2005 5:47 PM
Posted on July 10, 2005 17:47
I don't know why the author even bothered. It's such a lame topic. *GAG* Recently a Scandinavian PhD student wrote a dissertation which inferred that non-Asian men who like Asian women are paedophiles in disguise. He probably did his research in Japan and if so, I totally agree. But seriously, do people pick their prospective partner by using a 'race' critieria? It seems awfully lame. Some of my Italian, Greek and German friends are much more 'Asian' than I am! Whatever that means, of course! =D
Posted by Jen | July 17, 2005 9:41 PM
Posted on July 17, 2005 21:41
I'm sure there's a good amount of people out there who do pick by race. Love is blind be damned. What I don't quite get is, is there such a big difference between attracting a Caucasian vs. attracting an Asian? I'm fairly certain that women around the world generally want the same things from a guy. And where's the "How to Attract Black Women" book? Or Hispanic? I want my "How to Attract Inuit Women" book damnit!
Posted by Ben | July 20, 2005 10:57 AM
Posted on July 20, 2005 10:57