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Was perusing CNN and ran into this article on the ol' comic strip, Blondie, celebrating its 75th year. 75 YEARS!!!!! Holy cow, how do you write that many strips for so many years without things getting stale? Granted the current writer took over from his father back in 1973 but that's still 32 years of material. Damn. That's really impressive.

Anyway, the article brought back some memories for me. Years back my mom used to take me to Taiwan every summer. At the time it was nowhere near as Westernized and entertaining (for a US kid at least) as it is now. However, my aunt had a set of like 10 Blondie comic books which were Chinese-English and I would read through them all (sometimes multiple times) every... single... time... I was in Taiwan. I think those were the only reading material that I could understand besides my mom's even older Reader's Digest magazines (Chinese edition) which would have one English story at the very end of each issue. I must've read those things a couple of hundred times. They were quite entertaining to me back then and taking a look at the recent ones now, even though the family's life has been modernized, the type of humor remains. Great job by Mr. Young. Here's hoping the strip goes on for another 75 more years. =)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 19, 2005 2:52 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Backpackin' Revisited.

The next post in this blog is Couch Potato - Asian edition: Otaku Love.

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