Even though I am a little late on this but Palm FINALLY released a software update for the rest of their branded and non-branded Treo 650's. Sprint users had their Treo's updated months ago and it wasn't until the middle of June that Palm made the update available for everyone else.
What's so important about this update you might ask? Mainly it fixes the one giant flaw that's plagued the Treo 650 since it first came out: the crap-ass memory handling and NVFS. Prior to this update, any lil' file that you uploaded would take up 512K of memory, even if it was actually only like 2K. Gargantuan pain in the ass cause the 650 doesn't have that much built-in RAM to begin with. Granted Palm did give out free 128MB SD cards to people in the know but still, much better to actually fix the problem.
So now I have about two and a half times more free space in my internal RAM than before. NICE!!
Unfortunately, the installation process requires a hard reset first which wipes out all your data (which one should have backed up first anyway) but I didn't notice until afterwards that I never had the Memos conduit set up so none of my notes were ever backed up. So I lost a bunch of lil' notes that I used to help remember stuff. Argh!!! But oh well, no use crying over spilt milk.
Comments (2)
So, how much are you loving your Treo, or not?
My current phone's been on it's last legs for some time now.
Seems lately I've been traveling enough to warrant an unlocked GSM phone.
So I'm pondering the choices of whether to get an unlocked smart phone/PDA combo, get a nice unlocked world phone (my Clie TH55 still works fine as a PDA), or get a freebie phone with subscription + cheap travel phone.
Posted by kaige | July 28, 2005 2:36 PM
Posted on July 28, 2005 14:36
I love it. Keep practically everything on here. Actually I probably rely on it a bit too much as I'd be up shit creek if I ever lost it. Well, maybe not that bad but it'd be a setback.
Unfortunately dial-up networking through Bluetooth doesn't seem to work with Macs yet so that's a bummer. But overall I think it was worth it.
Posted by Ben | July 28, 2005 2:40 PM
Posted on July 28, 2005 14:40