I'm really churning these suckers out now... ;-)
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I'm really churning these suckers out now... ;-)
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 7, 2005 2:04 PM.
The previous post in this blog was A few more pics....
The next post in this blog is Good lord....
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
Comments (4)
Wow... that is some dessert... (It IS dessert, right??)
You took some really nice photos!
Posted by June Chung | July 7, 2005 5:38 PM
Posted on July 7, 2005 17:38
Oooh, your Missus is stunning! Hey, did you take any photos of the banquet? I am a sucker for Taiwanese wedding banquets (the food, not the ceremony). Anyway, congrats! You're very brave to take the plunge. =D Best wishes to you and Erin. :-)
Posted by Jen | July 8, 2005 12:09 AM
Posted on July 8, 2005 00:09
Heh, yeah that's one butt-whupping dessert. =) It's basically shaved ice for 3. They go all the way up to shaved ice for EIGHT. I'd love to see what that one looks like. =D
Unfortunately, no pics of the food. Erin's bro & cousins took most of the pics and they were much more interested in eating the food than taking pictures of it. ;-) And unfortunately since I was one of the two guests of honor I figured it'd be bad form to have my DRebel at the ready taking pics of the food. Zanendeshita...
Posted by Ben | July 8, 2005 1:12 AM
Posted on July 8, 2005 01:12
Un, zannen da ne.
Btw, I've decided to shut my site down. It was taking too much time. You take care over there and best of luck with Erin. =D
Posted by Jen | July 8, 2005 11:11 AM
Posted on July 8, 2005 11:11