Morgan Spurlock's new show, 30 Days, is quite compelling. Worth catching (or Tivo'ing in my case).
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Morgan Spurlock's new show, 30 Days, is quite compelling. Worth catching (or Tivo'ing in my case).
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 2, 2005 12:17 PM.
The previous post in this blog was You gotta be kidding me....
The next post in this blog is New (well old really) photos....
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Comments (2)
I finally got around to watching "Super-Size Me" this week.
I've already recently started cooking more. But, after that, I was compelled to hit the gym (for the first time in months) last night.
Oh, yeah... I'm also generating a lot less trash when cooking instead of eating out.
Posted by kaige | July 7, 2005 1:57 PM
Posted on July 7, 2005 13:57
I have yet to watch that movie actually. I already know eating nothing but fast food is bad for you. ;-p
Finally caught the 30 Days episode where they sent a Christian to live with a Muslim family. The final scene was classic.
Posted by Ben | July 7, 2005 3:43 PM
Posted on July 7, 2005 15:43