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Some more food...

Erin's childhood friend drove us out to Chijin last night for a seafood dinner which was quite fresh, good, and affordable. Many dishes which I was too busy polishing off to take pictures of but we did wind up ordering two of these "mushroom heads" which were pretty good. They're basically lobsters 'cept they look like someone went to town on their heads and flattened 'em with a mallet.

Mushroom Heads

Afterwards we drove all the way back to the other side of the bay/harbor to Shi Je Wan cause our resident bottomless gullet wanted to try out the big bowl 'o ice. This was the 3-person portion. It goes all the way up to 8.

Big Bowl o' Ice

In case you're wondering what all that crap is on it, that's a huge pile of hard and soft peanuts, tapioca, red beans, fruit jelly, condensed milk, and 3 whole caramel puddings.

Apparently this place has gigantic milk tea with tapioca as well but we didn't have enough bladder left to want to find out.

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