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aren't restricted to the Internet apparently. Ran into one in person last night when we went to JFK to pick up my mom. Had just pulled into a parking spot when this earnest/stressed-looking black guy comes over and starts babbling on a mile a minute about how he had locked his keys in his car (waving to a car parked in front and to the left of me) and that after talking to one of the parking attendants he needed $36 to get himself out of his predicament but he only had $20 something and this was legit and he worked for Fleet Bank (waving what seemed to be some sort of ID card at me) and I could take down all his info and he just wanted to get out of there and could I help him out. I just looked apologetic and said, "Sorry, but I need to get cash from the ATM in the airport myself." Which got him off my case. He then proceeded to walk to and stop in front of his "car", yanked out a cell phone and chatted on it for a little while before running off somewhere. A pretty good performance I gotta say on his part but really dude, Fleet got bought by Bank of America a little over a year ago. =p

Comments (3)


Maybe he works for their bill pay website? (The migration didn't begin until this last week, right?)


Heh, doubt it. ? Their bill pay website didn't migrate this this last week? Seemed like it was ported over already when I used it the last few weeks...


Good on ya for dealing with it so well. I hate those bastards. I just get offended by the fact they think I'm a dupe.

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