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Just some photos...

from the last few days.

Dolled Up

Erin, before her family's lunch reception

Gazing Upwards

Me, Erin and Yu Wen after the lunch reception

Night Practice

They were having dragonboat practice at night so we went down by the river to visit the ongoing festival. Tried to do some long shutter speed shots but it's tough to get good results without a tripod.

More photos after the break...

Toilet Bowl Ice Cream

I'm not exactly sure what the hell the deal is with Taiwanese people and putting food into toilet-shaped containers but this is just another example. If they don't look like any toilets you've seen before, it's cause these are the older models used in Asia where you had to squat over the toilets and not actually sit on them.

Sewerage Exhibition

I'm not exactly sure who would be interested in a "sewerage" exhibit but in case you are, there's one located right across the river from us.

Picture Takers

Silly picture of me taking a picture of Erin and her cousin who are taking pictures of...



Lion Guardian

Lion Guardian outside the temple on Guan Yin Mountain

Mountainside Statues

Bunch of statues located on the mountainside next to the Guan Yin Mountain temple

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 9, 2005 2:04 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Sore feet....

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