While I never really followed the anime religiously, I've always been a big fan of the Gundam mecha. So I was pretty psyched when I saw these pre-built Gundam Fix Figuration figures since I was never that good at piecing together plastic models. I've picked up 4 of these so far (0009, 0013, 0020, 0025) but haven't put them all together yet except for 0009 which was my all-time fav Gundam. Some pics of this, the FA-93HWS Nu Gundam + Heavy Weapon System. This bad boy packs 2 60mm Vulcans, a beam saber, 1 new Hyper bazooka, 1 Hyper Mega rifle, 6 fin funnels, 2 anti-ship rocket launchers, and 8 multi-dispensers.
So I'm still a geek. =)
Comments (2)
How do you keep all those different Gundam series straight? Much less the different mecha?
Good thing I'm a lousy painter and clumsy at assembling miniatures, else I'd get cleaned out when walking around Akiba, seeing all those garage kits. Not only mecha, but "kawaii" and other anime characters too.
Can't escape without dropping a bunch of coins on those Y100 toy vending machines, though. What I'm going to do with an incomplete collection of super-deformed Kamen Rider Pez dispensers, I don't know...
Posted by kaige | June 21, 2005 7:48 PM
Posted on June 21, 2005 19:48
Heh, I don't keep them straight. I've only watched a couple of the older Gundam OAV series (0080 and 0083) and Char's Counterattack. And a few eps of 08th MS Team (which is quite good actually). All the longer series seem to be more targetted towards kids which I've ignored so far. Got enough anime on my plate as it is. As for the mecha, for these Fix Figuration set, I'm just picking up the ones with the biggest guns fully-loaded. =) Too damn expensive otherwise.
Posted by Ben | June 21, 2005 10:37 PM
Posted on June 21, 2005 22:37