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Killin' time...

So here I am with about an hour to kill before boarding & I somehow managed to resist the impulse to fork over $7 to use the wireless network here in the Newark Airport concourse. This slow as snails not-quite-GPRS T-Mobile connection on my Treo will have to do. Better than nothing I guess. =) Hm... there's not an insignificant amount of people here waiting for this flight which does not bode well for my personal comfort later on the plane. I've come ill-prepared for a long flight: I've got my Powerbook + extra battery, the PSP, 2 mags (1 which I've already read), and a science fiction compilation book that I just picked up at the crappy airport store. That should maybe last me barely half of this flight. In-flight entertainment better be damn good. Hmm, ok maybe I'm not THAT ill-prepared but something still feels... lacking.

Anyhoo hope everyone has (had) a great Memorial Day weekend!

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