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Decisions decisions...

Picked up a Sigma 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 lens the other day as a daily walk-around and vacation lens so need to run it through its paces to see if it's worth keeping. Not _entirely_ sure yet if this particular copy is worth it or not... Seems to be a bit fuzzier than I like but need to test some more.


28mm, f/4.3, ISO100

Few more test pics after the break...

These 3 lazy cats are semi-strays that hang out in the neighborhood. Locals seem to take care of them quite well and they hang out at an outdoor parking lot a block away.

Fat Cats

125mm, f/6, ISO100

Some pink blossom trees that they've planted a ton of in the neighborhood. Quite pretty when in full bloom. This following pic is the actual pic taken by the lens.

48mm, f/5, ISO100

And this next one is the same pic after a few quick edits with Photoshop. That's one hell of a program.

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