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BasTard! eats

Went to L & L on Fulton today... so good, but not
cheap! Had #1 combo - rice, salad, shredded cabbage,
short ribs, fried mahi mahi and fried shrimp. $8.99.
Almost finished all of it, but I also ordered two spam
musubi. Very tasty too! $2.99. Huge though -- fills up
those styrofoam containers normally used for burgers.
Also bought some Hawaiian drink, "Ahola Maid" -- which
was $1.30 or so. Total was $15. Good thing I biked for
two hours yesterday.

Funny thing is, I think the rice was as good as the
meats. So clean and fluffy! The salads (macaroni and
garden) were a little disappointing. I'm not sure if
you're supposed to eat the shredded cabbage, but I did

I wish I took a photo, but I got it before coming to
work.... here's their website:

Comments (3)


I don't know why everybody loves L&L. The food is mediocre, and the variety is limited. Maybe because they're everywhere? (questionable franchising practices?) Or is it the local celebrity endorsements? If there's another plate lunch in the area, I'll go a little farther to avoid L&L.

Actually, my Dad's cousin is a co-owner of L&L. He's a really nice guy, But I can't say the same of his business partner. I'd remember seeing my uncle work counter and grill at the old Liliha Street store in Honolulu when I was little; his partner was never around. I guess that scammer made him a lot of money, though.


Heh, well here on the East Coast Hawaiian-style plate lunch places are few and far between so there's not too much to compare to. Maybe when he heads out to Hawaii in October he'll find out what a real local plate lunch is like. ;-) $2.99 for a spam musubi though? Yikes!

For me at least, L&L back in the islands was a decent place to pick up a big heap of relatively cheap eats. I'm not very picky when it comes to plate lunch though. =)


Maybe I ought to post some Hawaiiain-style recipes when I finally get around to fixing up the food blog.

I'm not really sure if a recipe is needed for spam musubi, though.

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