Talk about coming to an ignoble end. Not only do you get dug up and poked and prodded for about 80 years, they lose your penis for about 40 years and finally declare that it's been next to you hidden in the sand all this time.
« Umm... oooookkk..... | Main | And We're Back! »
Talk about coming to an ignoble end. Not only do you get dug up and poked and prodded for about 80 years, they lose your penis for about 40 years and finally declare that it's been next to you hidden in the sand all this time.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 8, 2005 10:11 AM.
The previous post in this blog was Umm... oooookkk......
The next post in this blog is And We're Back!.
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