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Another Sony product...

but not mine. Unfortunately. ;-p Absolutely gorgeous screen though.

The box:
Side view of the box:
Side of box

Out of the box after the break...

From the top:
Top view
Shots of the sides:
Side views
Open face:
The keyboard area. Hmm... white/grey keys may get dirty easily:
Next to the 15" Powerbook:
Side by side comparison

Between the PSP and this Vaio, it seems pretty apparent that Sony's cutting corners every way possible. Not on the actual main products themselves (although a good number of people may disagree when it comes to the PSP), but on the packaging and accessories. While Apple still uses at least styrofoam padding for the laptop boxes, Sony uses cardboard braces in their boxes. And they don't even include backup/reinstall CDs anymore! You have to create your own backup discs first thing otherwise you're screwed if anything happens in the future. Kinda irritating. Anyway, the laptop itself seems pretty well built and should be fun getting to play around with it for the week. My streak of no dead pixels on any LCD screen for any product that I've been the first to open up still stands. =)

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