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Ups and downs...

First, the downer. My Powerbook still hasn't been fixed yet over at Tekserve. Wasted about an hour over there last night waiting to get a status report (that took all of 2 minutes at most) on the repair because their phone service for this kinda thing sucks. Anyway, they're still waiting for a new logic board from Apple so at least I know what the problem is. This is I think the 2nd time in my Apple-using existence that a logic board has konked out on me. I think the same thing happened to my previous G4 Powerbook too.

On the plus side, I finally got all my TV-related peripherals connected and running again. The new DVR box from Comcast screwed a lot of things up cause it needs to connect to the TV via the AV ports which my TV only has 2 of. One is already taken up by the PS2 which I'm loathe to disconnect cause it's at the back of the TV and is just a pain in the ass to deal with. So I'm basically left with just one AV port that I need to somehow connect the DVR, DVD player, AND SVHS player to.

The DVR box has 2 AV inputs but they don't seem to work. The ones in front were completely unresponsive while the one in the back I could get audio through when I plugged in my DVD player but no video. So eventually I discovered that my SVHS player was actually plugged in to the TV via the S-video port so I wound up connecting my DVD player to the SVHS player and going through that. Annoying thing is now whenever I want to watch a DVD I have to turn on the SVHS player too. I guess I could always watch it on the PS2. So the DVR box has sole possession of the remaining AV port into the TV.

Once that was all set up I mucked around with the new DVR features and have it set up to record The Daily Show, The Dave Chappelle Show, South Park, Conan O'Brian, Scrubs, Joey, Committed, CSI, That 70s Show, and Battlestar Galactica. So that's pretty exciting. Now if I could only figure out where the goddamn "Enter" button is on the new remote control. I can't go directly to a channel by hitting the channel numbers and then an "Enter" button cause the damn thing doesn't seem to exist on this remote! Lousy piece of @*@#$*!@#(*(#$*!!!!! Will probably wind up calling Comcast about this one.

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