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Silly toys...

While visiting Mitsuwa a week or so ago I discovered they had more Gundam Ultimate Operation figurines. So I picked up 2 of the 3 Gundams they had in this new set (Set 7). Didn't pick up the third one cause I didn't like the brown desert pattern that much. And I ignore all the Zeon mecha to begin with. But when I went back the next day to get the brown desert pattern one (I figured I might as well try to collect as much as I can), it was already gone. Ah well. Anyway, just a quick pic of my current set:

Gundam Ultimate Operation

These things are pretty fun. All the appendages and weapons are interchangeable apparently but I haven't messed around with that yet. Should be pretty cool though.

Comments (3)


you a fuking faggat pussy "i ignore all the zeon mecha" go to hell bitch zeons gundams


your taste sucks, zeon is the best gundams suck so do u


Yeah that's brilliant dude. Way to convince people that Zeons are better. You make me wanna run right out and pick some up right now!

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