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Happy happy joy joy redux...

Well... turns out that while I've gotten my Powerbook back, it came back with another problem, although rather minor. It no longer goes to sleep when I close the lid nor does it awake from sleep when I open the lid. Gotta manually put it to sleep. So, perfectionist that I am =p, I left home early this morning to see if they could fix the problem quickly. Still had to wait an hour before I actually talked to someone even though I arrived 15 minutes after they opened. =p

Anyway, turns out that no, it can't be fixed while I wait but they can order the necessary part first and then call me when it comes in. Only caveat being I had to bring my laptop in 24 hours after they called at the latest otherwise they'd have to charge me for the part. No problem by me. Funny thing is, the part they need to order is the screen. Which, if you remember (and you should cause I wrote about it just 2 days ago =p), they just replaced along with the logic board. And apparently, if they replace the screen again and the sleep problem still occurs, the next part they'll have to look at is the logic board. Oi vay.

As long as my new screen doesn't have any dead pixels I could care less how many times they swap the damn thing.

In better news, I woke up to a new email from PalmOne notifying me that my Treo 650 was on its way! Unfortunately, the screen protectors that I just purchased for it probably won't arrive for another week or 2. My Bluetooth headset arrived yesterday and even though I bought it to use with the Treo, it currently works great with my K700 although I have to get used to having it hang on the ear. And hopefully my skin case and sync/charge cable will arrive on Monday. Can't wait! ^o^

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 11, 2005 10:50 AM.

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The next post in this blog is I don't feel secure....

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