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Neither here nor there...

Salon finally posted a review on Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. I had found it odd why they hadn't reviewed it when it first came out (and I still do) but at least when they finally did get around to it, it was a favorable one. In case you forgot how to get past their daily pass quickly, read here first.

Wandered onto the Landover Baptist Church site again recently. Had originally discovered the site awhile ago while tracking down an article and for some odd reason, I actually took it seriously back then. After a closer look this time around, I have no idea what the hell I was thinking. Obviously a satire site. With articles like this about the recent tsunami, what else could it be?

Somewhat along the same vein (tsunamis & religion), there's this wonderful article depicting elements of religion that always gets my blood boiling. And a fun commentary on a slightly-related topic that has crossed my mind as well. Nobody cares about Africa. I wonder why....

While we were on vaca, Erin received one of them mass emailings asking why Taiwanese people (and Chinese in general) should bother helping out the hardest hit country (Indonesia) after the black stain of the 1998 riots that brought down then-president Suharto and provided fertile ground for a bunch of atrocities along the way. Numerous photos were included which I'll refrain from posting. Especially since further investigation proved them to be mostly false. Not that that should let them off the hook. Guess bad blood dies hard. Hmm....

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 20, 2005 10:51 PM.

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