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Houston, we have a problem...

Pulled out my Powerbook at work today, started typing, and then the unthinkable happened: it froze dead in its tracks. No spinning beach ball, no kernel panic notice, just one frozen machine. Oookkk, force shut down, turn it back on. Oh wonderful, it won't boot. You hear the regular Mac startup chime but after that, nothing. Greeeaaattt.... spent the rest of the day trying to coax it to boot inbetween work. Zapped the PRAM, reset the NRAM, tried to boot with the original RAM chip, then the other RAM chip, in Firewire disk mode, you name it, we tried it. It would tease us by actually booting up once or twice every 3 or 4 hours but then after a few seconds of use again, froze like a deer in the headlights.

At least I'm 80% sure that it's not a hard drive problem which is a good thing cause I would've been POBAR'ed if it was. That would've meant losing our Hawaii pictures which I hadn't gotten around to backing up yet. Grrrr.....

Anyhoo, hustled it down to Tekserve after work and was told it'd probably take about 7-8 days to get it fixed. *sigh* Shoganai neh?

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 27, 2005 10:07 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Snow family... continued.

The next post in this blog is Phooey....

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