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What the, they call this news?

As most of you may not know, since hockey fans are few and far between here, the 2004-2005 National Hockey League season has been pretty much cancelled due to disagreements between the player's association and the league. But for some bizarre reason, The Canadian Press has been running a simulation of a full hockey season and REPORTING ON IT since what would have been the beginning of this season. Good lord, I know hockey's a big thing in Canada but c'mon, reporting on simulated games by Electronic Arts, using the 2002-2003 schedule no less? What happened to last year's schedule? Couldn't you have found something else for your hockey reporter to do? I can't help but picture the reporter sitting at work with a PS2 and a copy of NHL 2003 playing a full season. Actually that's not a bad way to spend time at work but I digress. Anyway, it's just weird man.

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