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The camera that started it all...

So my current camera fixation began when I discovered a big ol' camera bag stowed away in my parent's den. Rooting around, I found a barely used Canon F1 and an unopened Canon EOS 630 along with various lenses and a flash unit. So I asked my Dad, "what the hell is a brand-new, unopened SLR camera doing in the closet???" "Oh yeah, we got that as your college graduation present when you were going to Hawaii but you didn't want it." DOH!!!

So I brought the cameras home, bought some IS400 film, set up the 630 and tested it out at our local park on an absolutely gorgeous day. First time I've ever known that you could take portrait style photos. Unfortunately the pics below really don't do the camera any justice due to having to be scanned in and then shrunk and converted with lossy compression and my inept picture-taking skills but the 630's still a pretty nice film SLR. Anyway, I was hooked after that. =)

View of Battery Park


Yay for Wide Aperture!

Korean War Memorial


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 28, 2004 4:59 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Ahhh, the backlash begins....

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