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Well that was an inauspicious start to our vacation/honeymoon. Continental cancelled our flight due to "mechanical failure" and rebooked us on a flight departing tomorrow cause there was nothing available whatsoever today. NOT a happy camper. Was really looking forward to seeing what the New Year's celebration would be like at Waikiki. Grrrr.... Oh well, at least it's only a delay of one day and nothing more than that. Although instead of a direct flight we need to transfer in San Fran to a Delta flight. Pain in the butt. And the only thing customer service was able to offer us was a $125 travel voucher per person. Not too bad I suppose considering the one-day cost for our hotel/car rental was $130. Guess we will be visiting Chicago sometime this new year then. ;-p

UPDATE: At slightly before 11pm this evening, it suddenly occurred to me, "Hey, wait a sec, don't they have the same non-stop flight to Honolulu tomorrow?" Went to check on the website and lo and behold, there it was, flight 15. "Shit! Why the hell didn't they just book us on this flight then?!?" A 20 minute call to them later, we were back on our original flight. Just one day later. I'm assuming they were operating on the assumption that cancelled flight people would want to leave on the next available flight. But even though the Newark to San Fran flight they booked us on left at noon (as opposed to 2:15 pm for the direct flight), we would actually arrive in Honolulu an hour later. They did offer us a 5 am flight leaving from LaGuardia and arriving in Honolulu at 2pm but I didn't think my mom would appreciate having to take us there. Especially since she has no idea how to get there. =p So let's hope it works out this time. They couldn't possibly cancel the exact same flight on consecutive days could they? :-/

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 31, 2004 4:58 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Happy New Year!!!!.

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