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Big bro, little bro

So I got a bunch of accessories for my Canon Digital Rebel this Christmas and was a bit astounded by the final "look" of it after I added all the new goodies to it. Especially compared to our relatively newer Canon Powershot SD300. So I took a few pics...

The first pic below is a frontal view. The Digital Rebel is set up with the following:

Sigma 28-300/3.5-6.3 IF Macro Zoom Lens for Canon AF cameras
Tiffen 62mm UV Protector
Sigma EF500 DG Super Camera Flash for Canon EOS AF Digital SLRs
Canon BG-E1 Battery Grip for Digital Rebel

Digital Rebel and SD300 Front View

That Sandisk 6-in-1 PC card you see to the lower right of the Rebel is actually propping up the camera. The Sigma lens is heavy enough to make the camera tip forward but the PC card is exactly the right height to slip under the lens to keep it level. And photographers aren't kidding when they say the flash unit basically doubles the height of the camera. Yowzers that thing is big. And the black bottom of the camera body is actually the BG-E1 battery grip. The bottom of the camera itself starts a third of the way up. But with the BG-E1 you get to slot in 2 batteries at one time and it also has a shutter button and wheel located on the bottom right corner so that you can use those when taking a vertical pic. You pretty much have to since the damn thing's so freakin' big. You're pretty much carrying 2 cameras worth of weight with just the flash and battery grip.

The next picture is just a top-down shot.

Digital Rebel and SD300 Top View

Nothing much to note here except maybe that it looks like the SD300 is about the same width as the Sigma flash unit for the Rebel. ;-p

Next is a side view of the two.

Digital Rebel and SD300 Side View

The Sigma lens is quite a bit heftier than the 18-55 Canon EF-S lens that they sell with the Rebel. Hard to tell why with the above shot. Much easier to tell why with the shot below. But I find the EF-S series to be much lighter than the regular AF lenses that Canon makes to begin with.

Digital Rebel Extended and SD300 Side View

See what I mean? The damn lens more than doubles its compacted length. That's some whopping zoom right there. But at that extension you pretty much need to be tripod-mounted or braced on top of a rock with full daylight or something to get a good shot off.

Anyway, I use the Tiffen UV protectors cause they're relatively cheap. But the quality (or lack thereof in this case) does show. I have the 58mm one on the 18-55 lens and for some reason it's a real pain to put on. And since I have to take it off every time I want to put on my Canon Close-up Lens 250D to take aquarium pics, I always wind up cussing at it when I switch back. The 62mm was marginally better and both came with paint already chipped off of the black coloring. What's up with that? But oh well, they're only UV protectors.

But I just gotta get out there and play with this thing. With the Rebel you have to plan excursions for it. With the SD300 you just carry it with you wherever you go.

Oh, and the above pictures were taken with the new Sony DSC-L1 that I got for my mom as her Christmas gift. It's another nice take it everywhere cam.

Comments (9)


If you haven't attracted the Viagra spammers yet, those last two pictures should do the trick! =)


I knew someone was gonna take a shot at that. ;-p Hey, wait a sec, you posted a comment with "Viagra" in it and didn't get flagged by MT-Blacklist? That's one fine-tuned program.

anonymous coward:

I wish I had a bigger... uhh... camera!


Speaking of photography and stuff... Anyone interested in having a photo "scavenger hunt?"


Sure, whazzat?


Basically, get a bunch of people. Come up with a list of semi-random words. Each particpant submits one photo for each word. At the end of the designated period, hold an online exhibition.

I don't use my camera much except when I'm on a trip. Maybe this will prod me into exploring it's capabilities?


I'd be up for it as long as it doesn't get me arrested. ;-p


Uh... just exactly what words were running through your head?


Words that will remain unmentionable in order to prevent the awakening of a great evil. And just to not incriminate myself. =)

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