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People are mean...

Went to a NJ Nets basketball game last night (against the Houston Rockets) with my cousin cause he wanted to see T-Mac and Yao Ming and during a break between periods, Continental had a promotion where they brought out some poor sap and made him shoot baskets in an attempt to win free airfare for 2 or some crap like that. This guy obviously was no where near being a sports player. First he had to make a basket from the three-point line at about a 45 degree angle. He missed all 10+ shots that they gave him and was boo'ed by the crowd. Then he had to try to make one from the top of the three point circle and he missed that one by a mile. And the crowd REALLY let 'im have it then. I felt so bad for the poor guy.

That's why I dislike standing out in a crowd. Cause the crowd's fuckin' vicious.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 16, 2004 11:30 AM.

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