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No middle ground...

So by now we're probably all tired of hearing how divided the country is and it probably would be nice to be able find a middle ground. But after reading conservative posts throughout the web recently, I'm not entirely sure that's gonna be possible. You can't reason with someone who doesn't believe in it.

I first started reading Andrew Sullivan's site months ago cause I was fascinated by the idea of a gay Republican. I mean seriously, how the hell can you remain gay and a Republican in this day and age? Sure you can be pro-war and anti-tax but how do you stick with a party that has a central core which disavows your very existence? Masochism maybe?

So it was quite interesting to see his views slowly change during the months leading up to the election from pro-Bush to reluctant pro-Kerry. I'm sure he's gotten tons of flack for that as his Republican readers, who probably viewed his gay-ness as tolerable as long as he was pro-Bush, most likely now just think of him as another one of those liberal fags. Even though his own core beliefs haven't really changed. He routinely posts some of the vitriolic emails that he gets and I feel disheartened for him just reading them. The latest one in today's "Two Emails" entry I hope is not indicative of the majority of the Bush supporters but combined with some of the other emails of the same ilk that he's put up, I wouldn't be surprised if it is. You really should go and read the entire thing on his site but the key sentence that I just had to highlight is as follows:

"true Americans do not like your kind of homosexual deviants in our country, and we will not tolerate your radical pro-gay agenda trying to force our children to adopt your homosexual lifestyle."

I don't know about you but when have gays tried to force me, or anyone else for that matter, to become gay? As far as I can tell they just want to be able to live their lives how they like just like everyone else. And this is why I believe there can be no middle ground with people like this. No matter the evidence, they just simply refuse to face facts. It's absolutely nonsensical and reveals a rather insecure mindset.

Anyway, question, how the heck did marriage become intertwined with government to begin with? If it's a religious institution as people like to think, how did the government get into this act? I can understand people's reluctance to allow gay marriage because they believe it should remain a religious act between a man and a woman. The problem is I don't think the reason for a lot of the people wanting to ban gay marriage is that benign. There's a palpable feeling of hate out there and I seriously don't get it. Did gays kill Jesus or something? Those responsible should be held accountable for promoting this hatred. Oh yeah, this administration doesn't believe in accountability. Unless the scapegoat happens to be liberals and gays.

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