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beyond words. At least my Jersey City mayor selection won.

It absolutely boggles the mind what this says about the priorities of half of the American public, their tolerance of ineptitude in the presence of faith and their intolerance of a certain minority who typically does no harm to anyone except to expose their attackers' own insecurities.

Oh well, life goes on. To tell the truth, I wish I could revert back to my old politically-unaware self in my early twenties. It's too exhausting emotionally otherwise. Bah, no way I'm gonna back down now.

Comments (2)

anonymous coward:

I have to say that I'm just as disgusted with the other half. Over the last several days I've heard repeatedly other young, educated, coastal urban-dwellers refer to center of the country as uneducated bible-thumping rednecks. And it was not just that they said that, it was the tone that got me.

Are we just a bunch of self-righteous elitist hypocrites that are only tolerant of those that agree with us?

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