Was finally able to catch an episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher" since Comcast, in an attempt to suck even MORE money from my already broke ass decided to give me free HBO for a week. And it did not disappoint. The best quote of the day came at the very end and it's been something that I've always found incredulous when it came to Dubya and the "he's just a regular guy" bullshit that Repub supporters like to bring up constantly like that's something to be proud of.
"What is this longing for a regular guy in the highest office in the world? Presidents should be exceptional. John Kerry, for all his flaws, is an exceptional person. And President Bush? Well, he's a special person."
Emphasis on exceptional is mine. Cause that's what I truly believe the President should be. We're talking about the presidency here people, not some king of the frat house beer party. Although I wouldn't go so far as calling Kerry exceptional, compared to Dubya, he's at least a lot closer.
Comments (1)
What is the deal with people wanting someone that's a regular guy? If being president was so easy that a regular guy could run the country, then I think we'd be in a LOT more trouble than we are. Then again, maybe that's the whole problem. Maybe we've veered too much toward regular guys.
I think that's an excellent point about the exceptional. Every other country in the world requires leaders that are exceptionally educated, exceptionally talented and charismatic.
Not that Bush isn't well educated, he just doesn't show it very well. But I think the whole idea of exceptional engenders a certain amount of respect for accomplishments and personal values. We want someone that the rest of the world can look at and call a leader too.
I think people want a regular guy since they want someone that they can identify with. This is something unique to our version of a democratic society. Americans like to feel like they're just as good as anyone else. It's that whole "all men are created equal" thing, I think.
Anyway, great point to bring up Ben!!! Not that I didn't already know who I was voting for. =)
Posted by June Chung | October 9, 2004 3:21 PM
Posted on October 9, 2004 15:21