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Out of control...

My Netflix queue is currently at 140 and growing. When the hell'm I gonna have time to finish all these movies??? The good news is that Netflix is getting WAY better at getting anime titles these days and I cycle through those much faster than with regular movies. Seems like every new release title is available nowadays. Kudos to them. Plus they just lowered their monthly price from $21 to $17 so that's always good too.

The last episode of Macross Zero is finally out fansubbed too. Super duper, can't wait to watch it tonight. Quite a good series.

The other series I'm currently watching through Netflix is Ai Yori Aoshi, another one of those harem comedy/romance things in the same vein as Love Hina and the venerable Tenchi Muyo. You know, where every female in the story either starts off in love or winds up in love with the main male lead. There's something primitively attractive about the premise even though intellectually, you know it's just so wrong. ;-p

Comments (5)


I thought Macross Zero was kinda lame, especially the last installment. OK, war is bad. Yeah, it looked really pretty. But, I kept waiting for it to contribute something to the Macross canon.

Speaking of pretension, the best anime I've seen this fall was directed by Anno Hideaki -- the guy that brought us Evangelion. Re: Cutie Honey is great campy nostalgic fun. No, really! The title sequence is an homage to the original series from the 70s; the original theme song was kept, with Koda Kumi giving it a catchy update. Even if you weren't familiar with the original -- I wasn't -- you can appreciate the retro-themed character designs and music. And of course, there's the "fan service."

BTW, the live-action Cutie Honey, despite being more "family-oriented," isn't devoid of its own version of fan service.


Well hard to add much of anything besides eye candy being only 5 episodes. ;-p I live for the fight sequences anyway. =)

Just started watching Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi by Gainax. It's uh, very odd. Not off the charts bizarre like FLCL but odd enough to have you going, "do I like this or not?" Lots of anime references though and very well done overall.


Forgot to comment... wait, you liked the new Cutey Honey???? Not that it's really new... it's been out for awhile no? Unless there's an even newer one... If it is what I think it is, I don't recall being all that engrossed in it when I saw it years ago.


Well, I did say Macross Zero was pretty. I have it admit it was a slick blend of CG and cel animation.

I understand there are several incarnations of Cutie Honey, but I'm referring to "Re: Cutie Honey" which is being released in 2004, in conjunction with the live-action theatrical feature -- also directed by Anno. Don't know about the previous ones, but this one doesn't take itself too seriously.

Haven't seen much anime lately. There's one that I don't like, but can't help watching: Elfen Lied... I don't think I can recall more blood or dismemberment in any animation.


You realize because you mentioned it I have to go and see it right? ;-p Just watched the first eps. The blood I can take, it's the dismemberments that give me the creeps. Especially after that beginning I kept waiting for the guy and girl who found Lucy to be whacked at any time. =)

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