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No sympathy for you!

I find it rather amusing that two of the most closely-followed women in entertainment today decided to release songs that alternate between bemoaning their fate and telling everyone to fuck off. First there's everyone's favorite, Britney Spears (or as she wouldn't mind being known as, Britney Federline), with her remake of Bobby Brown's "My Prerogative." At least this one is relatively listenable to as opposed to the debut of everyone else's chesty favorite, Lindsay Lohan, who's "Rumors" song is so bad, I wanted to dive head-first out of my car window, while I was driving it, into the Hudson River, so I could either cleanse my ears or plug it up with silt just to stop the pain. Apparently she just needs to free her mind and "just wanna dance and have a good time." Indeed.

I mean I understand the fact that they deserve to have a smidgen of privacy but for god's sake, you didn't have to RELEASE A SONG ABOUT IT! Fer cryin' out loud.

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There's a solution to this: stop listening to crap pop radio and keeping abreast of dimwit pop stars. Easy.

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