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Mercy rule?

At first, the Yankees/Red Sox game was looking to be a good one as the game was tied at 6-6 in just the 3rd inning. I usually don't care all that much but I started feeling a certain smugness and primal glee after seeing that the Sox was basically getting clubbed like a baby seal (not that I enjoy watching baby seals being clubbed, just the Sox ;-), down 13-6 in the 6th. After returning home and tuning back in for the 8th, that smugness has given way to just plain embarrassment for Boston. 17-8 and then 19-8???? You sure this is a PLAYOFF GAME? Hell, the umps should just call it quits and let everyone go home to get some rest for tomorrow's game. Good lord. Andy's post's title directly below would apply to this entry quite well too.

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Who's andy? I only know a BADASS.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 17, 2004 12:15 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Bitchslapped.

The next post in this blog is No sympathy for you!.

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