Last week was just perusing the web like I generally do and ran into the following article on the rather disjointed downfall of The Drew Carey Show. Answered my questions on what the hell happened to the show this last year. Was rather puzzled by the sudden disappearance of the show last year and just as sudden reappearance (with zero fanfare too) this summer. I have to admit the show hasn't been as good as it used to be. Amazing that it was around for NINE years. Agree that it probably jumped the shark when Kate left (possibly a little bit before that).
Anyhoo, took a tv break earlier tonight and as luck would have it, managed to catch the very last two episodes of the show. Somewhat of a typical 2004 sitcom ending but still had its moments. Ah well, it was good while it lasted. Have a good life in syndication Drew, Lewis and Oswald.