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Too... much... sugar...

Just watched the first DVD of Azumanga Daioh from Netflix. Quite possibly WAAAAY too saccharine for most. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, about it just oozes kawaii-ness. Well, 'cept for the freaky male lit teacher. And there's no real plot. Just following the lives of some high school girls and their English and phys ed teachers in sometimes disjointed clips. Not as absolutely and downright bizarre as FLCL (Fooly Cooly) but definitely not your average run-of-the-mill anime either. Can't wait to catch the next two discs. =)

Also took Erin to see Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle and surprisingly she enjoyed it. Thought it was pretty funny even though she missed all the cameos and in jokes. Anyway, just doing my bit (again) to support the AA actors. =)

Comments (1)


Azumanga is great! Too much sugar is Card Capture Sakura. ^^

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