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Something to do only ONCE in a lifetime...


I took this past Friday off to have wedding photos done down in Edison at the Marry Me Wedding Palace. We left our apartment at a little before 9:30 in the morning and didn't leave the studio till 9:30 at night. I think Erin had a tougher time of it than I did. We were extremely lucky weather-wise though as it had rained for most of the week and so the temperature was in the low 80's with minimal humidity. And mostly cloudy so the 3 hours we spent taking outdoor pics at Princeton University didn't kill us. I never realized you were supposed to yell "Congratulations" at strangers taking pictures in full wedding regalia but apparently so.

The whole shoot probably wouldn't have taken as long if Erin's hair and makeup didn't have to be redone for every different outfit she wore (four). And posing for pics is pretty much like yoga except with a lot more clothes on. You position parts of your body in ways you don't normally do and have to hold it for annoyingly long amounts of time. Try doing that for an entire day. Pics will be done in about 3 weeks. Hopefully there'll be some good ones. =p

Comments (3)

Wow..... really really nice. BUT. Aren't you not supposed to see Erin in her wedding dress until the day of your wedding? Also, by posting it up on the site, now ALL of your site visitors have seen it before the wedding, as well! That can't be good. ;)

But we love the dress. lol...


Okay, I'm going to be a total girl here...

Ohmigosh!!!! Her dress is SOOOOOO gorgeous!!!!! Must see more pictures when you get them!!!!!!!! We need the picture of you in the tux to complete the total picture.

*end of girly-girl mode*

Wedding photos are for a lifetime. Getting good ones is worth the temporary pain and torture!


Well you gotta remember that the dress isn't actually ours. We were just doing the typical Taiwan-style studio pictures so that dress is just for the pictures. So it doesn't count for the American tradition of not seeing the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding day. =)

Geez, I'm glad y'all like the dress. ;-p

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 17, 2004 12:28 PM.

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