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Caught an advanced screening of Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle last night and for a movie of its genre, it's awwwesome. A couple of weird, out-of-left field type of shit every now and then but overall there's definitely much more out-right laughs than "eh heh" parts. Lots of cameos and subtle (or not) references to other movies throughout (a bunch of X-treme sports wannabees steal a parking spot from Harold (John Cho) and yell "Better luck tomorrow!" at him) and it's well worth seeing. Not just cause for once there's an Indian- and a Korean- American lead in a mainstream film, but because it's truly a funny ass movie. And it doesn't hurt that Paula Garcés is looking mighty cute in the film too. ;-)

Kal Penn (Kumar) reminds me a lot of Zach Braff who plays J.D. in the NBC sitcom, Scrubs. Similar hair style and expressive facial ability. Guess it's not surprising that I like the show and the movie so much. =)

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