Picked up our wedding rings from Niwaka last week. Took four weeks and unfortunately the picture below doesn't do the actual rings justice but suffice to say we're really pleased with how they turned out.

We also got back the developed shots of our all-day wedding shoot from two weeks ago to pick through. Scanned a bunch in and you can check them out if you're so inclined. Cheeze factor is high obviously.
Comments (2)
Wow! It's like you're getting married or something! :) Congrats - nice pictures! Erin looks really great, you look ok. ;)
Posted by felix | July 29, 2004 5:11 PM
Posted on July 29, 2004 17:11
Wow. You both look great--congratulations!
Posted by Diana | August 3, 2004 11:59 AM
Posted on August 3, 2004 11:59