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Odds & Ends...

Not exactly sure why this was in the "Oddly Enough" section of Reuters. These ads are actually pretty nifty and work pretty well, just a larger and lighted version of a flip book. They have 2 areas in the PATH system that I know of that have them. Used to be 1 between I think the 14th and 23rd Street stops in Manhattan and they just put in a new one going from WTC to Exchange Place.

I was astonished to see that The Drew Carey Show was back on ABC with new episodes. I had thought they had killed it. Didn't help that ABC had placed it into possibly the worst time slot ever last fall (Fridays at 9). Now it's on Wednesdays at 9. So I guess it'll be my replacement for That '70s Show for the summer.

Seems like there is a pending draft legislation slowly working its way through Congress. Bad news is that it's a draft. Good news is that it's only for men (and women) between 18 & 26. Bad news is that you can no longer run away to Canada or any institute of higher learning to dodge the draft. Ehh, no other good news about it.

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