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We had been talking about getting fish for quite awhile now but never really got around to it till this weekend. Dropped by NJ Pets in East Hanover during our routine grocery run and picked up a quick and easy Eclipse System 3 which is an acrylic 3-gallon tank. Quite easy to set up although now that I think about it, is probably a bit too small for the number of fish that Erin wants. Ah well, we can always upgrade once we prove that we're not Death personified when it comes to raising fish.

It's a good thing that the store employee noticed that we were buying the tank that day cause we didn't know that we had to take the tank home and let it run for a day first before actually putting fish into it. So that's what we did. This afternoon we went to the local mall pet store to pick up some of your typical tropical freshwater fish. Wound up with the four remaining cardinal tetras that the store had along with two gold barbs and two bronze catfish. I'm thinking we're gonna need a bigger tank pretty darn soon.

Barbs and Tetras

Sorry for the fuzzy pics, will try to take better ones later on.

Catfish Jr

This is the smaller of the two catfish that we bought.

Catfish on Roof

This is the larger catfish who seems to like to rest on top of the house roof every now and then. Usually after it goes up to the top for air.

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