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Lube job...

Recently bought an AlGlide kit from RadTech cause the hinge on my Powerbook was creaking something fierce whenever I closed it. Akin to fingernail on blackboard level of aural disturbance. Enclosed instructions were pretty easy to follow and the kit actually works quite well. I only lubed up one side though so will give it awhile to see if the other side is gonna get stiff as well. But a good product, works as advertised.

Seems like people are auctioning off GMail invites on eBay which isn't surprising I guess. Two weeks ago people were actually paying over $100 for one, can you believe that shit? Now the prices have dropped to the $5-20 level since they're everywhere it seems. I tried sending email to ronin and kenshin @ gmail.com to see if they were already taken, thinking that if they weren't their email system would tell me by sending back a "this username does not exist" type of warning message but got nothing. But then I sent another one to kenshin27 and didn't get a reply back either so I'm thinking that way of checking doesn't work. And then I read that their username's had to be 6 characters or more so I couldn't select ronin anyway.

It would be deliciously funny if Google decided to wipe out all existing accounts right before they went live with Gmail. Since they are currently only in beta after all.

Comments (2)


Grrr... My sister-in-law-to-be just got her Gmail account -- She apparently coordinated a usability test for them recently.

I've been waiting for months for an invitation. I wonder if my request got blocked because I used my Hotmail account?

Hey, What do you think about the RadTech Bluetooth mouse?


Yeah I haven't heard from them either. And I don't even remember which email account I signed up with. =p

As for the Radtech mouse, not overly fond of its looks but I'm sure functionally it should work pretty well.

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