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It's that time again...

Steve Jobs' having another keynote at the WWDC 2004 in San Fran tomorrow. Will show a preview of the next MacOS X version (Tiger) and there might be some other fun stuff to be revealed. Should be interesting. Some interesting banners at the convention center shown at Erik Gilchrist's blog. Pretty darn bold considering Longhorn's got that spanking new database-based file system and requirements that as of earlier this year read: a dual-core CPU running at 4 to 6GHz; a minimum of 2 gigs of RAM; up to a terabyte of storage; a 1 Gbit, built-in, Ethernet-wired port and an 802.11g wireless link; and a graphics processor that runs three times faster than those on the market today. Ahhh..... progress.

Comments (2)


His last name isn't Job, is it?


Got me. =p

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