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Fish update...

New Fish

Well, after 2 weeks I still don't see any trace of nitrites in the water so it seems like our ammonia-munching bacteria hasn't really taken hold yet. Getting rather impatient here. =p But at least the fish don't seem to care and we haven't lost another one since the last entry. One of the cories seems to have taken into hanging out inside the house. If he goes and croaks in there we won't know for quite awhile. At least all the fish seem to have their appetites as they go into a frenzy when we feed them. Especially the cories; watching them squirm around is hilarious.

Gold Barbs

Our bold gold barbs. They're the only ones who consistently come to the surface to eat.

Closeup Tetras

The tetras are rather timid and either wait for the flakes to float down or zip up to the surface and back down in a burst of spastic speed.

Taking pics of these guys are still a bit rough as I haven't quite figured out the best way to do it with my Powershot S400 yet. Seems like my best bet is to not use zoom, set it to macro mode and get as close to the glass as possible. But the tetras are hardest to capture since they swim in bursts rather than at a leisurely pace. Ah well, practice practice.

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