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Dance fever...

Hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial Day holiday. I went home to help my parents rearrange the furniture and beds in all the bedrooms. Would've helped if my Dad didn't choose these gigantically thick mattresses. Sheesh. And decided to finally toss most of the remnants of my fansub anime collection. Such a waste. =\ Finally got them sign up for cable modem though so I'll probably be headed out there again next weekend to set that and wireless up. That also meant we got rid of their ancient Win98SE-running Pentium desktop that my Dad had picked up on one of his scrap runs and replace it with a brand new Sony VAIO A Series. It's a sad day when I have to choose the screen with the lower resolution cause my parents will no way in hell be able to use 1400x1050 screen. Ah well, at least it's a new toy for me to play with for a little while. ;-)

My Mom also got it into her head that she needed more exercise and apparently DDR Max 2 was the obvious solution. So I went and picked up a new Playstation 2 and a Pelican Wireless Night Moves Dance Pad. Just for DDR. And I gotta say, it's pretty darn tough. I would've gotten alot more practice in over the weekend if I hadn't taken a head-first plunge down half a flight of stairs. Luckily it was onto carpet so all I wound up with was a bruised knee and a severely swollen second toe on my left foot. Not good for DDRing.

Anyway, that was more or less my holiday. Oh, and we also managed to catch Mean Girls which turned out to be pretty good.

Comments (2)


I'd been thinking about the DDR weight loss regimen for awhile too (many months before it hit the AP wire).

Maybe it's time to get the PS2 out of the closet, and also make a trip to the appliance store for one of those cheap Chinese TVs.

Everybody's suprised when I tell them I don't have a TV.


You don't have a tv? Good lord man. You and Andy both, what'm I supposed to do with you two? ;-p

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