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I like my good food as much (and probably more) than the next guy but this is getting ridiculous.

On another food-related note, Marvin & Ariel are in town this week so as usual, Marvin suggested a new and exceptional dining venue. We went to Churrascaria Plataforma yesterday evening and it's a spectacular place to go to gorge yourself on meat, meat.... and even more meat. My advice, skimp as much as possible on the salad/appetizer bar, ignore the chicken and bacon-wrapped whatever cuts, try the lamb and pork cuts but feast on the beef. Sirloin, flank, it's ALLLL good. Definitely not a cheap place to go though and the $40/person doesn't even include dessert! So expect to pay about $70 for a full meal there.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2004 2:23 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Aloha means goodbye.

The next post in this blog is SCHMOOZE FOR SUCCESS.

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