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Been feeling extremely lazy these past few weeks for some reason so haven't been keepin' up much with the postin'. I would've thought the advent of spring would give me a nice kick to the rear and get my shit in gear but not so. Ah well, work doesn't get done by itself apparently no matter how hard I try (or don't try in this case ;-).

Last 2 weekends were pretty spectacular. Perfect days for lollin' about at Yankee Stadium. Caught the Saturday afternoon game vs. the archrival Red Sox 2 weekends ago with Andy. Game was close and actually went into extra innings but the Bombers went down in the end. Good thing we left the inning before the show ended so didn't have to deal with having to get out in the mad crush. Then this past weekend I went again with Erin and my parents to see them take on the Royals. They wiped the floor with them and we missed Sierra's grand slam in the bottom of the 8th cause we left in the middle of the 8th. =p But still a pretty good time. Watching baseball's a pretty good way to spend a gorgeous day. Now if only the prices would come down alittle. ;-p

Been nosying around some Republican blogs the past few weeks and have come to the conclusion that I should really stop doing so. Originally I just wanted to keep tabs on what it was they get annoyed about but after awhile it's pretty much the same things ad nauseum. I can never agree with the current conservative mindset anyway.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 4, 2004 10:22 PM.

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The next post in this blog is He's f -- ing dead.

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