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Ahh.... youth

So I was on my way home a bit early today since the higher-ups let us leave due to having no a/c in our office while it's in the 80's outside. On the 5 express downtown to the WTC, I noticed a young teen couple, dressed sorta punkishly (eyebrow piercings, mostly blond with red streaked hair, mesh stockings, etc.) continuously engaging in PDA. They were seriously sucking face on and off for a good 20 minutes. But anyway, not that I have a problem with PDA. What I found kinda odd was that once we started nearing the Fulton Street station, I glanced over to find the girl hunched over with her head between her knees. Once we got to Fulton, the guy got up to get off the train and the girl straightened up and looked like she was crying. As I left the station, I looked back to see that the guy had basically just taken off first while the girl had gotten off at the same stop but was straggling behind still looking rather upset. So anyway, no point to this story, just wondering what the hell happened. =)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2004 7:34 PM.

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