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Warm at last!!!

Warm at last! Thank god almighty I'm warm at last!!! Weather this past weekend was pheNOMENAL. Although apparently we might be moving from winter straight into summer cause it hit the mid 80's today. What kinda crap is that??? Anyway, thanks to Andy I ditched movie plans and spent much of Saturday in Central Park with approximately half the population of Manhattan.


Great day to be out and about. Had dinner at Café Un Deux Trois off Times Square which was just ok. Wasn't particularly great for the price. La Bonne Soupe I think is much better and slightly cheaper to boot.

And I think I'm becoming Sichuan'ed out for now. A new Chinese restaurant just opened up near my parent's house and they took us there Sunday evening. Wouldn't ya know it, Sichuan cuisine. I forget the name of the restaurant but I do remember it was something "Chalet." And it replaced what used to be a pancake house. Kinda weird. But anyway, the spicy wonton in hot red oil was ok, dandan noodles was pretty good, and their ma pou tofu was AWESOME. But that's the 4th Sichuan restaurant I've had in a one month span so no more Sichuan for me. Unless you want to invite me to one. But it better be another one besides the one's I've been to already. ;-p

Weird, why is there a picture of Andy Lau on the Salon home page (under Arts & Entertainment, next to the I Like to Watch article) when the article has nothing to do with him. Bizarre.

And after 2 months, Tekserve finally received the replacement screen for my Powerbook and replaced it this evening. Got my $1k deposit back, screen looks great, and I'm a happy camper. =) Now I can sell this thing off to get the new model that was just released today! Just kidding! =) Unfortunately. =p

Comments (1)

Dude! What has gotten into you?! lol........ I've never known you to be so damn excited! =) Guess I'll be seeing you guys soon! Can't wait to get back to New York.

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